Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Clash of Clans Builder hall Trophy Push Tips

many  people play clash of clans. this is very popular and it is now has the number 1 most downloaded application in smartphones. it is celebrating its 5th anniversary this month. late on july this year, super cell open a new world of clash of clans the night version of it and it has different gameplay but has the same characters with unique power pumps to each inviduals.

i can only give you tips as a beginner

1st : focus on Archers!!!

upgrade archers to the max because she is the most popular attacks now in bh base it can kite buildings behind the wall and it has invisibility cloak for 10 seconds when max, and it can guaranty 50% with 2 star if you know how it works, it needs practice at first but when you know the trick. i eventually become 3k++ trouphy within a week when you maxout archers. to be able to achive 50% desctruction you need to target weak buildings first, like gem mine, barracks, camps, drills, and it takes 1 archer each until invisible fades on archers you can destroy those buildings easily

2nd: upgrade your Battle Machine to Lv5

this is essential because you can unlock BM ability when it will be level 5. plus archer = 2Stars
first you need to clean the bhall area using archers so that you BM can penetrate immediately to  the hall to get your star, you need to activate its ability early because you can activate it again after its cooldown for 15 seconds.

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